The story coming from Taekwondo Wales is that parents love the club because it focuses on giving kids a new direction in life.
How to fix the dysfunctional generation
As society changes, so does the pressures on children. Mobile phones, online games, means that many children are spending more time indoors playing on the internet to the frustration of parents.
According to Peter Kent-Marrast “The biggest threat to children today is online games, social media, and fixation with their mobile phones. It's really having a young impact on young males. Parents approach us daily saying their worried and ask the question “What can we do”.
Local schools in the Welsh Valleys are equally finding it increasingly difficult to get school children to focus. Discipline problems and bullying are on the rise. The impact of social media is breeding generations of children who are essentially dysfunctional.
Children's health and fitness is being impacted with the growth of junk food consumption, with children refusing to eat traditional healthy foods, greens, and the like, in favour of pizza and burgers. Parents are quite frankly at a loss, finding it difficult to address the issues facing them.”
Holistic Martial Arts helps parents and children
Always up for a challenge Peter at Taekwon-do Wales Club is developing and changing, challenging the world of the internet, fast food outlets, and even traditional Taekwon-do with a more holistic approach to Martial Arts.
Peter says “The club is taking tradition Taekwondo values, of confidence building, team work, fitness and technique with “how to apply yourself” techniques, healthy eating, and “focus”. Taking Taekwondo away from being a recreation activity to a way of life.
Taekwondo Wales is one of the biggest if not the biggest club, in the Welsh valleys, teaching over 500 children every year. Over the last few years demand from local schools has grown as teachers see the benefit of that Peters Club can bring to children.
The club now teaches its most of the primary schools in the Welsh valleys.
Parents fully endorse the work that Taekwondo Wales has to offer. The feedback from parents is overwhelmingly positive with comments “It's a way of life”, “Complete change in attitude”, “Eating real food.” “Can't believe the change in my son”.
Peter mantra “Eat rubbish become rubbish” is repeated and propagated amongst the 500 students. Taekwondo Wales is all about helping parents and their children live more purposeful, meaningful lives.
How Parents can help solve their children's problem
Not mincing his words Peter has a few tips for parents.
1. Switch off the Wi-Fi, or make sure access is restricted to certain times especially evenings
2. Eat as a family together.
3. Restrict access to websites, such as social media channels. Consult your provider on how to go this.
4. Take control over mobile phones, take control of the accounts and what they can access.
5. Cook healthy food.
6. Limit buying fast food.
7. Take up an activity with your children, This builds respect. Do something they can relate too.
The get tough approach is paying dividends, with better attitude towards peers and parents, improved performance in school and the development of a "can do" attitude has won the respect of local parents.
Conclusion application is the key
The key thing is to act now. Behavior can become entrenched making it harder to break down the line. Remember, the quicker you act the more respect you will receive.
Peter says “We teach Taekwon-do bringing the spirit and values that this ancient art to modern families in Wales suffering from the exploitation of children by tech companies and fast food chains.
WE must remember that we are can determine our own lives and those of our children. We can change and we must reverse the effects that this new emerging threat to family life.”
The thing is parents in the Welsh Valleys are now get the fact that modern life is presenting new threats and challenges to families and their children, a problem they can solve with the help of Peter and his team.