Covid has been a trying time for all of us, no one has escape the effects from it. A specially us at Taekwon-do-Wales that numbers depends on after school clubs etc, which was all cancelled back in March 2020. For our school to survive before the date for the March Lockdown I had to work on a plan for our schools to survive so playing about with you tube a watch a martial arts instructor do an online class in China. Straight away I though this was the way to go. So, three days before the lock down I met was my instructors and said “For us to survive the Covid Lockdown we have to go online, or we will not have any schools left at the end of it. So, we look at to platforms Google Meet and Zoom it worked out Zoom was the better platform, so I sign up paid my fees to Zoom as the free version would not have worked for us.
As 90% of my students are children I had to work out how long to run a class and content. We kept the classes to 30 minutes and put back ground music in as silent patches would make it boring for the students. We did 5 days a week 4 half hour classes per day we separated the belt colours and age groups and did our best to keep the content of the lessons interesting.
It was not fail safe as we still lost a number of students in the first lock down of which we got one third back. This time around we prepared the students for the online classes for the second and third lockdown so losses this time around is very low. Fingers crossed and with the three vaccines I am hoping that this is our last lockdown.